Have you heard of Zhua Zhou or “pick anniversary”?

In the Chinese tradition, Zhua Zhou is held on a child’s first birthday. Objects are placed in front and the objects that a child picks indicate his or her future career and personality traits.

Jing Xuan Ang
2 min readMay 16, 2022
Photo by Cleyder Duque: https://www.pexels.com/photo/baby-in-blue-denim-jacket-crawling-on-floor-near-the-balloons-3653948/
Photo by Cleyder Duque: https://www.pexels.com/photo/baby-in-blue-denim-jacket-crawling-on-floor-near-the-balloons-3653948/

Zhua Zhou (抓周), which literally translates to “pick anniversary”, is an activity held on a child’s first birthday in the Chinese culture. Various objects are placed in front of the child. The Chinese believe that the objects that a child picks indicate his or her future career and personality traits. From what I heard from my parents, we had a calculator, a pen, a chicken wing, money, etc. This website covers more objects. Typically, a calculator would refer to an accountant while a pen would refer to a writer or journalist. A chicken wing would refer to a chef or someone who likes to eat while money would refer to one who would be a CEO and earn lots of money.

Guess what I picked? 🤓 I chose a pen! 🖊 A pen was supposed to indicate that I would be a writer or journalist.

Yet, I am not sure if picking the pen has really indicated my future career. Five years ago, I started out as a full-time data analytics consultant. I enjoyed the work of helping clients to make sense of their data. During that time, I have not really thought of writing. Later, when I turned into a freelance data analytics consultant, I felt that the reason why I came on Medium was “by chance”. My boyfriend’s friend was writing on Medium and he encouraged both of us to write. Coincidence or not?

In addition, my recent news feed is all about Ship30for30 or atomic essays. This inspired and compelled me to do more writing before creating other forms of content related to my ClickUp articles, i.e. YouTube videos. Today, I am still considered a baby in writing on Medium and atomic essays; we shall see how far and wide this will take me. 😊

Comment down below if you also did the Zhua Zhou! 👶🏻 What did you pick when you were 1 year old? Does what you do now coincide with the object that you have picked?

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Jing Xuan Ang

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