How to create a digital Crochet Planner in ClickUp

I have been reviewing the Crochet folder which I created previously. Here’s an update!

Jing Xuan Ang
4 min readMay 17, 2022

Back in August 2021, I uploaded an article on how I managed my crochet projects and yarn in ClickUp. Crocheting is one of my hobbies that I picked up last year. I quickly realize that I need a planner to note down:-

  1. the projects that I have created so that I can know the tweaks or challenges I have done and faced respectively, and
  2. the yarn that I owned so that I know what I have when I am at the store.

Hence, I created the digital Crochet Planner on ClickUp, since their tagline is “One app to replace them all”. 😉

During the past 9 months, I have been reviewing the Crochet folder which I created previously. Hence, in this article, I am sharing with you my LATEST Crochet template. Stay tuned to the end to see how you can obtain it. 😊

DISCLAIMER: As of 1 November 2022, I am under the ClickUp Affiliate Program. My intention for this article still stays the same, which is to share how I use ClickUp as an individual user. If you want to save a day every week, sign up here. Cheers!☺

First, I deleted the “Products” list. Here’s a quote from my August 2021 article:

The “Products” list stores all products which I have completed. Each product is an item on the list. In this list, I consolidated all the different patterns which I have learned (from the “Projects” list).

After 9 months, it does not fit into my workflow at all. It felt unnecessary to copy all patterns of the same final product into another list. Instead, if I want to search for the various patterns of the same final product, i.e. a scrunchie, I shall type “scrunchie” on the top-left search bar in my “Projects” list.

Crochet Projects with “scrunchie” (photo from Author).
Crochet Projects with “scrunchie” (photo from Author).

From the above screenshot, I immediately can tell that I have searched 3 videos on how to make a scrunchie, and out of the 3, I have watched 2 videos.

Second, I have refined the “Projects” list. I removed all custom fields because they were redundant.

ClickUp search bar (photo from Author).
ClickUp search bar (photo from Author).
  • Materials Check — Sometimes, I don’t buy yarn for a specific purpose. Creativity might strike anytime and I might use some leftover yarn.

Then, I added two new custom fields to the “Projects” list.

  • Difficulty rating — It ranges from 1 to 5. ClickUp allows users to customize the emoji that they want to use. For me, I use 💪🏻.
Difficulty rating in ClickUp (photo from Author).
Difficulty rating in ClickUp (photo from Author).
  • The number of items that I have created — For each pattern, I indicated the number of items that I have completed along with the particular pattern. This is a simple Number field.

Third, I have refined the “Yarn” list.

Yarn list in ClickUp (photo from Author).
Yarn list in ClickUp (photo from Author).
  • I renamed the “Yarn” list the “Stash” list. This name sounds much cooler.
Stash list in ClickUp (photo from Author).
Stash list in ClickUp (photo from Author).
  • I removed the Tags field. The reason is the same as before.
  • I removed the Amount of Yarn field. It’s hard to gauge how much yarn I have on a scale from 1 to 10.
  • So, I re-purposed No. of Skiens to No. of Skiens Left as I have removed the progress bar.
  • I repurposed Price Paid (Total) to Price Paid per Skien as this is the price that I consider when purchasing yarn.
  • I added a new Label field to distinguish the yarn’s material.
Yarn Material labels in ClickUp (photo from Author).
Yarn Material labels in ClickUp (photo from Author).

That’s all that I have updated. As I have mentioned in my previous article, joining these 2 areas — crochet and ClickUp — is a unique combination. To receive your template, drop me a comment below: “🧶”.

Also, if you are interested to follow me on my crochet journey, find me on Instagram, Twitch, and TikTok!

Thank you for making it this far! Does this sound like something that you will use or sound like someone you know will need this? What are you waiting for? Share it with them! Follow me on Medium and my YouTube channel to see more of such content. Alternatively, never miss out on any updates by signing up here when I release further new articles.



Jing Xuan Ang

Hello! I share how ClickUp can be used for personal use cases and other relevant life hacks. Follow me to learn more.