Let’s discuss; Can ClickUp connect and integrate your devices?

Which platforms do you use to transfer files across devices — AirDrop, PushBullet, Telegram, WhatsApp? Or… ClickUp?

Jing Xuan Ang
5 min readMay 23, 2022
Photo of MacBook, iPad, and iPhone. Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/macbook-pro-beside-white-ipad-4158/
Photo of MacBook, iPad, and iPhone. Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/macbook-pro-beside-white-ipad-4158/

If you are an Apple user, you have probably heard of and used AirDrop. It allows you to transfer files among your Apple devices easily. Personally, I am an Andriod user and my friend recommended me PushBullet.

PushBullet aims to connect all of our devices, making them feel like one. I have used PushBullet for a short while. The app allows one to follow and read up on interesting topics. It is good to be informative but… every topic seems to be very interesting and I want to follow/ read them all! It is the same feeling as my previous article on Pocket. I just needed a platform to transfer files from devices to devices and that is it! 😕

So, I drifted off away from PushBullet. Instead, I started to use Messenger apps, i.e. Telegram, and WhatsApp.

In Telegram, one can enable the “Saved Messages”. If you have any files that you would like to send from device A to B or B to A, you may send them to the “Saved Messages” and retrieve the files from the other device.

In WhatsApp, you can do the same, though there isn’t a “Saved Messages” feature. The workaround is one can create a group for yourself (my sister taught me this trick) and another contact. Once the group is created, you may “kick out” the contact. Now, you will have a group with only you inside. With this group, it acts as the “Saved Messages” area in Telegram as described above. Another downside of WhatsApp is the application can only be downloaded on a device that can receive calls, i.e. your phone. It cannot be on tablets. Hence, you can only transfer files from your mobile device to your laptop and vice versa. Between Telegram and WhatsApp, I think Telegram is a better choice as Telegram allows one to download its app on the tablet.

Taking another step back, sending and accessing files on Telegram and WhatsApp requires you to download the files. I personally prefer to confirm the files’ content before downloading them. Hence, I decided to create a little corner in ClickUp as their tagline is “One app to replace them all”. 😉

Today’s article is slightly different from my previous articles because I am sharing this idea of “integrating my devices” in ClickUp, which is something that I have been thinking about exploring. You may create your own easily. Drop me a comment below and let me know what you think of this idea of “integrating my devices” in ClickUp. 😊

DISCLAIMER: As of 1 November 2022, I am under the ClickUp Affiliate Program. My intention for this article still stays the same, which is to share how I use ClickUp as an individual user. If you want to save a day every week, sign up here. Cheers!☺

Author’s note: The video version of this article will be recorded and uploaded at a later date as I decided to focus more on the writing(s) before the video(s). ☺

Creating your own corner to integrate your devices

Firstly, create a task in whichever space/folder/list that you are comfortable with. For me, I create it in my personal todos list. You can also choose what you like to name it. For now, I named it “DEVICES”. It should look like something like the picture below.

A task to collect all file transfers (photo from Author).
A task to collect all file transfers (photo from Author).

Secondly, click on the 3 dots beside the “Share” button, then on “Add to” and then “Add to favorites”.

Adding the task to favorites (photo from Author).
Adding the task to favorites (photo from Author).

Thirdly, you should see it appear on your Favourites bar (pinned/ unpinned) in ClickUp like so:

The task should be shown under the Favourites bar (photo from Author).
The task should be shown under the pinned Favourites bar (photo from Author).
The task should be shown under the unpinned Favourites bar (photo from Author).
The task should be shown under the unpinned Favourites bar (photo from Author).

Lastly, download ClickUp on all of your devices — Mobiles, Tablets, iPads, Laptops, etc — in either iOS or Andriod, and there you go!

Using your little corner to do file transfers

Here is how I do it. I uploaded two documents onto ClickUp via my laptop and downloaded them on my tablet. The process is easy and clean. All documents downloaded will go to the same folder and I can delete them on my tablet anytime, knowing that I have a copy in ClickUp.

Upload documents into the task (photo from Author).
Upload documents into the task (photo from Author).

Also, ClickUp enables a preview of the document which provides me the assurance of the file content before I download the file. This is something that Telegram does not offer.

ClickUp displays a preview of the document (photo from Author).
ClickUp displays a preview of the document (photo from Author).

BUT I have to warn you. The Free Forever plan has only 100MB of storage. So, after each time you transfer a file, do remember to delete the file in the ClickUp task to free up space. Later, once you are comfortable, you may want to try the Unlimited plan which provides unlimited storage. 😊

ClickUp Pricing plans (screenshot from Author, the original source from ClickUp website).
ClickUp Pricing plans (screenshot from Author, the original source from ClickUp website).

So, what’s your verdict — ClickUp vs AirDrop vs PushBullet vs Telegram vs WhatsApp vs Other Alternatives?

In your opinion, which platforms do you prefer to use, and which platform does the work of integrating devices well? Let’s discuss this in the comments below! 🗣

Thank you for making it this far! Save this for your future references or share it with someone who needs it! Follow me on Medium and my YouTube channel to see how I use ClickUp for other aspects of my life. Alternatively, never miss out on any updates by signing up here when I release further new articles.



Jing Xuan Ang

Hello! I share how ClickUp can be used for personal use cases and other relevant life hacks. Follow me to learn more.